• What is a "Maker"



    A person or thing that makes. A person who has the hobby of creating tangible physical products, especially do-it-yourself technology and engineering projects or handmade crafts. Makers often come together and collaborate with each other and show off their completed products. The maker movement fosters hands-on creativity in a sedentary world of passive entertainment options.

  • How does the MCP select recipients?

    The Maker Community Project selects recipients from the nomination pool each quarter. The Team reviews the nominations and matches resources to approved recipients. The MCP does not discriminate for race, gender, ethnicity, orientation, religion, or any other reason. The MCP is comprised of a diverse group who will be impartial in our decisions.

  • How often is a recipient chosen?

    Recipients may be selected more or less frequently depending on the availability of resources and nominations presented.

  • Why was this non-profit started?

    A group of makers banded together to pay it forward to other makers with needs. It’s a simple formula, really. Be kind.

  • Will MCP publish the amounts of gifts given?

    The MCP respects the privacy of all nominees and donors and will not publish the outright cost of each gift. We do however disclose to the recipients the value for their records.

  • Can I receive a tax write off for my donation?

    We encourage you to consult a tax professional for any personal or business tax advice. The Maker Community Project is happy to provide a statement for your donation upon request.

  • Can I nominate myself?

    While we applaud your efforts, we cannot accept nominations for yourself. Each nomination is carefully screened, and we reach out to both the nominator and nominee to ensure validity. We take this process very seriously and do not tolerate abuse of the system.

  • Can a recipient be chosen more than once?

    The Maker Community Project will select recipients based on availability of resources. If we have previously donated to a recipient and resources are available that meet that maker’s specific need, then a follow up donation is not out of the question.

  • Can I nominate more than one person?

    Absolutely! We ask that you carefully screen those individuals that you nominate and know their story. We will be connecting with you on each nomination separately to understand your relationship with the individual, if any.

  • I want to nominate someone I don't know.

    The MCP wants to ensure that nominations are for those individuals who really need it. It’s hard to tell someone’s story from social media platform. We encourage you to nominate anyone you know will benefit from this project, but we ask for you to carefully screen your nominations to avoid the MCP team from unnecessarily reaching out to those who don’t have a need.

  • My nominee is a family member.

    If you have a family member that is in need of safe equipment, tools, and resources, we absolutely encourage you to nominate them. We will review each nomination to ensure fairness and will not award if the nominator will be a primary benefactor of the donation.

  • I want to nominate a coworker.

    Thank you for your generous spirit. We encourage you to nominate your coworker and ask that you ensure you will not benefit from nominating that individual. You may think it’s wise to nominate your boss, but we may not be able to grant based on perception. We must maintain integrity throughout our process, and we hope you understand.

  • I want to be on the MCP Team!

    First off…thank you! You must be an awesome person! Secondly, please send an email through the contact form and should a spot open up we will review and reach back out to you. We must keep the size of the team limited as nominations are reviewed as a team.

  • What constitutes a disability?

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.”

  • Does it matter if the disability is a mental or physical disability?

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Physical or mental impairments include, but are not limited to: visual, speech, and hearing impairments; mental retardation, emotional illness, and specific learning disabilities; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; muscular dystrophy; multiple sclerosis; orthopedic conditions; cancer; heart disease; diabetes; and contagious and noncontagious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV disease (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic).”

  • Are any of the MCP team members collecting a salary?

    The team members are doing this on a voluntary basis and did not sign up to receive any compensation for their efforts. None of the monetary donations are given as direct compensation for being a part of the team.